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is a nonprofit that distributes art to other nonprofits and organizations. Our mission is centered in the recognition that we are all more extraordinarily connected than we can even imagine. Through that connection the transformation of just ONE HEART to self acceptance and love, affects and is healing to us all.

 "Giving ART to HEARTS" is our slogan.

With our beautiful, elegant, large banners that we call "portable murals", we can almost instantly create spaces that broadcast colorful welcoming inspiration. The intention is to literally set the creative stage for transformative experience.


Art by its nature declares creativity. The art may be silent in its form, but it can speak volumes loudly with its character. The presence of great big compelling images filled with life is a direct conversation with how we can create our lives. Spaces that perhaps didn’t have the resources to be made beautiful can now become the backdrop that plants seeds of a greater more beautiful vision of life.​​​


In a homeless shelter, recovery center, or halfway house, the art speaks of dignity, respect, and compassion, likely the opposite of what that population is accustomed to.


In a school, the art is an education of the kindness to embrace the tremendous value of every person and the joy of learning to nurture that in ourselves and each other.


In women’s healing centers and gathering places  The art celebrates the vital power of the Devine feminine.  That receptive grace in all women ( men too ) that will direct humanity to a higher consciousness.


In hospitals and clinics, the art reflects our innate capacity to heal ourselves by connecting with the buoyant, innocent child inside of us and the thriving force of nature .


This list of places that could be offered an artistic re-creation are all there to care for social emotional and health concerns which is so wonderful.   ONE HEART'S purpose is to aid that pursuit by amplifying their vision (literally).  We believe that an experience of love at our core is the foundation that creates sustainable healing.  Aligning spaces with their mission by delivering creative, colorful, tender, imaginative, emotionally uplifting ART can tremendously energize the love that caretakers are hoping to deliver. That is why we say we are "Giving Art to Hearts"


How it works;  The funding we receive through grants and tax deductible donations allows us to give and install art for free to organizations.  Where organizations have greater resources, it helps tremendously when they can help with the price of printing.  In wealthier places such as hospitals, donations for the art can be larger so that more banners can be distributed for free to others.   


The banners are printed with bright vivid inks on tough, durable, canvas textured polyester. The polyester and latex inks are PVC free making them friendly to our environment and perfectly safe and suitable for hospitals and schools, etc. They are excellent quality, but are also exceptionally economical, making it very inexpensive to fill spaces with art with these large pieces. With that quality, affordability and ease of installation, we can make a huge impact of service to so many.


This is all very exciting.  Thank you so much for your attention.

Ray McDaniel

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